![]() When LISTENING to an OUTCRY of abuse or sexual abuse.
Remember 4 W’s. Who? What? When? Where? Who- is hurting the person? What- is happening? When- did it happen? Where- was the person when it happened? This will help to visualize a picture of what they experienced. Call 911. Report what you recall. More interviews will occur for the survivor. One can add to the report. Suicidal/Homicidal Call 988 or 911. ASK: “How do you plan to kill yourself? OR How are you going to take your life? How are you planning to hurt others? Where are these items?” DEVELOPING A SAFETY PLAN: Preset a place or two to go. Family no matter age knows where to go. Transportation prearranged if possible. Go to rooms with exits or phone. Place documents together. *Easy to pick up as leaving. (medical, personal, financial, business, legal, home/apt, credit cards, work licenses, marriage/divorce/restraining orders, POA, insurance). Leave copies or documents, change of clothes, & cash at safe places. Keep Hotline numbers, numbers of safe persons & professionals. HOTLINES Call 988 National Suicide Prevention Hotline # 1-800-273-8255 suicidepreventionlifeline.org National Sexual Assault Hotline # 1-800-656-4673 website Sexual Assault of Boys and Men # 1-877-628-1466 website LGBT National Help Center # 1-888-843-4564 LGBT Switchboard. TEXAS resources only. # 1-713-529-3211 website National Domestic Violence Hotline # 1-800-799-7233, website. National Human Trafficking Hotline # 1-888-373-7888 (TTY:711) Text 233733. website. FOR SURVIVORS Sexual abuse like tree roots can be deep, snarled, hidden. These roots support life-birds, animals, people. Don’t end your wellbeing or life because of someone else’s actions. When things get snarly, reach out to compassionate persons and trauma professionals. Survivors of sexual abuse are not alone! Survivors know the snarls and share hope with survivors. Fun, love, laughter, joy can be part of life too. |